The Village of Delhi website contains links to village services, a directory of village officials, departments, committees, documents, and a calendar of village government meetings and events. We're here to help!
Village Hall is located at 9 Court Street, Delhi NY.
Office hours are 9 am - 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Should our office be closed, there is a drop box available for your convenience.
Village business can be completed by phone (607-746-2258), email (, or regular mail.
- Clerk's Office: (607)746-2258
- Village Police: (607)746-2249
- Village Street Department: (607)746-2257
- Police & Fire Emergency: 911
- Delaware County DMV: (607)832-5222
- Delaware County Office for the Aging: (607)832-5222
Looking for help with village services? Use the links below to get started.
Questions? Call us at (607)746-2258.
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New DPD Training Website
The Delhi Police Department is excited to announce the launch of its new Training Division website,, focused on state-of-the-art firearms training for law enforcement and civilians. Visit the site to explore course offerings and register for classes designed to enhance skills and safety.
Please Do Not Plow or Shovel Snow into the Street
It is the wish of the village board to ask all residents not to plow or shovel snow into the street. It is causing problems for our plows as well as causing damage to the paving. We do have village code that prohibits the depositing of snow into the street with a fine of up to $250 for doing so. The trustees and the mayor would like to refrain from resorting to enforcing this, and would instead like to simply appeal to residents to help us preserve our streets as best we… Read More
Water Conservation Announcement
Update: as of 12/20 the drought warning has been lifted.
Please click on the link below to read Water Conservation Announcement from Mayor Gearhart.
Upcoming Events
Climate Smart Task Force
The Village of Delhi has recently formed a Climate Smart Task Force, as part of New York State’s Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program. The purpose of the task force is to plan and implement actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve community resilience to the worsening impacts of climate change.