The Village of Delhi has recently formed a Climate Smart Task Force, as part of New York State’s Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program. The purpose of the task force is to plan and implement actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve community resilience to the worsening impacts of climate change.
Learn more about NYS Climate Smart Communities.
CSC Task Force Links to Resources:
- NY State Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Fact Sheets
- USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways
- USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Resources
- NYS Department of Transportation Traffic Safety & Mobility Instruction, In-street and Overhead Pedestrian Crossing Signs
- NYS Department of Transportation, Pedestrians on the Move
- NYS Department of Transportation, Complete Streets
- USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
News & Announcements
Delhi Repair Cafe
Saturday, Jan. 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Luck Dragon at 100 Main Street.
Repair Cafes are free community events where you bring your broken but beloved items, and volunteer repair coaches help you FIX THEM.
This event, hosted by the Delhi Climate Smart Task Force, offers free repairs for various household items. What kinds of items get fixed? Lamps, vacuums, clocks electrical items, small appliances, clothing and textiles, and stuffed animals. Over… Read More
Delhi Community Clean-Up Day

Saturday, May 11, 10am. Meet at Hoyt Park. (Rain date: Sunday, May 19.)
Community Solar Presentations Cancelled
The Community Solar Presentations planned for Wednesday and Thursday are being cancelled due to anticipated severe weather conditions. We'll inform everyone about the rescheduled event dates as soon as they are determined.
Name | Contact | Position |
Jeffrey Gearhart | 607-746-2258 |
Candice Kuwahara | ||
Katherine Mario | ||
Ashley Seyfried | ||
Janet Tweed | | |
Christina Viafore | ||
Kristina Zill |