Check out the new DPDTD website HERE. The Village Office will be closed February 17th for Presidents' Day.

Board of Trustees

Board meetings are on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Village Hall. Special meetings are published in the Village’s official papers, The Walton Reporter. All meetings are open to the public. All Village meeting times and dates are also posted on the bulletin board at the Court Street entrance to the Village Hall. Citizens are encouraged to take an active role in their local government.


Trustee Responsibilities

The legislative body of a village, the board of trustees is comprised of the mayor and four village trustees.  The Village of Delhi Board of Trustees consists of four (4) village residents that are elected for a two (2) year terms.  Each year two trustee seats are up for election.

NYS Village Law §4-412 sets forth the general powers of the board.  The following selection provides a broad example of the authority granted to the board:

“In addition to any other powers conferred upon villages, the board of trustees of a village shall have management of village property and finances, may take all measures and do all acts, by local law, not inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution, and not inconsistent with a general law except as authorized by the municipal home rule law, which shall be deemed expedient or desirable for the good government of the village, its management and business, the protection of its property, the safety, health, comfort, and general welfare of its inhabitants the protection of their property, the preservation of peace and good order, the suppression of vice, the benefit of trade, and the preservation and protection of public works,  The board of trustees may create or abolish by resolution offices, boards, agencies and commissions and delegate to said offices, boards, agencies and commissions so much of its powers, duties and functions as it shall deem necessary for effectuating or administering the board of trustees duties and functions.”

This extremely broad grant of power enables the board of trustees to adopt a wide range of local laws to address village concerns as long as the action is not inconsistent with the constitution or certain state laws.  Under the Municipal Home Rule Law, it is possible for a board of trustees to adopt the local law which can supersede certain state statutes. *

*Taken from the March 2007, New York Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials – NYCOM –Handbook for Village Officials


News & Announcements

Please Do Not Plow or Shovel Snow into the Street

Posted: ()

It is the wish of the village board to ask all residents not to plow or shovel snow into the street. It is causing problems for our plows as well as causing damage to the paving. We do have village code that prohibits the depositing of snow into the street with a fine of up to $250 for doing so. The trustees and the mayor would like to refrain from resorting to enforcing this, and would instead like to simply appeal to residents to help us preserve our streets as best we… Read More

Village of Delhi Budget for 2024 – 2025

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Village of Delhi Election

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Remember to vote in the Village Election March 19, 2024 from 12:00pm to 9:00pm. 


Name Contact Position
Jeremy Fitch
Jeffrey Gearhart
Ian Lamont
Barb Sturdevant
Janet Tweed


Group Documents

Displaying 1 - 50 of 117
Name Type Authored on
LL 1 tax cap override 2025.pdf Other
legal ad - tax cap override 2025.pdf Other
board-meeting-2024-12-17-agenda.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2024-11-19-agenda.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2024-10-15-minutes_0.pdf Minutes
NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION (terms and biennial election).pdf Resolution
board-meeting-2024-10-15-agenda.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2024-09-17-minutes.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-09-17-agenda.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2024-08-20_agenda.pdf Agenda
DelhiBudget 2024 2025.pdf Budget
board-meeting-2023-12-18_0.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2023-11-20_0.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2023-10-16_0.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2023-09-18_0.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2023-08-21.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2022-12-01.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2022-11-03.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2022-10-06.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2022-02-28.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2022-01-24.pdf Minutes
special-meeting-2024-01-30.pdf Minutes
organizational-meeting-2024-04-01.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-01-22_0.pdf Minutes
budget-workshop-2-2024-02-26.pdf Minutes
budget-workshop-1-2024-02-26.pdf Minutes
budget-workshop-2024-02-13.pdf Minutes
budget-workshop-2024-02-12.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-02-26.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-03-18.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-04-15_0.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-05-20.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-06-17.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2024-07-15.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2024-04-15.pdf Agenda
LL#1_tax_cap_override 2024.pdf Other
Village Election Example Ballot 2024.pdf Other
board-meeting-2024-01-22.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2023-02-26.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2023-12-18.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2023-11-20.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2023-10-16.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2023-09-18.pdf Agenda
board-meeting-2023-01-05.pdf Minutes
special-meeting-2023-01-17.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2023-02-02.pdf Minutes
budget-meeting-2023-02-07.pdf Minutes
budget-meeting-2023-02-08.pdf Minutes
budget-meeting-2023-02-28.pdf Minutes
board-meeting-2023-03-02.pdf Minutes