The Village Office will be closed Monday for Labor Day.


Village Seeking Bids: Contractor to Perform Lawn Mowing Services


The Village of Delhi is seeking bids for a contractor to perform lawn mowing services for delinquent property owners in the Village of Delhi on a monthly basis as determined by the Village. MUST be insured. Bids should be received in the Clerk’s office by April 8, 2024 by noon. For more information or to submit proposals and estimates, please contact the Village of Delhi, PO Box 328, Delhi, NY 13753, (607) 746-2258. The Village accepts the right to reject any and all bids.

Stories from the Village Historian: Explosion Felt In Delhi


On February 14, 1974, a blast was felt in Delhi from miles away in Oneonta in the evening, as the Delaware and Hudson railroad experienced a massive disaster. At about 5 p.m., seven of eight 100-ton propane gas tankers derailed about a mile southeast of Colliersville, over 20 miles from Delhi. The delayed explosion that occurred following the derailment unfortunately gave officials, responders and bystanders time to arrive at the scene, hence 56 people were injured as the explosion had not been anticipated.

The resulting blast was felt as far away as Margaretville. Injured included firefighters, D&H employees, news people and bystanders. The disaster that was felt in Delhi was described as "a mild blast of air and muffled sonic repercussions" with buildings actually trembling.

Shade Tree Commission


The village is seeking residents interested in joining the Shade Tree Commission. We aim to update our current plan, which has become outdated. The committee will also propose tree planting strategies for different areas within the village and establish guidelines for memorial or donation plantings.

For more information and to join the Shade Tree Commission, contact Mayor Gearhart at the (607) 746-9882

Stories from the Village Historian: Smalley Theatre


In 2012, folks were treated to a fascinating presentation on the lost Smalley's Theatre which used to stand on Kingston Street. Presented by the Delhi Historical Society, "Mick" McGrade of Delhi presented memories, photos and old news items on the old theatre as his dad, Larry, had served as manager of the theatre from 1944 to the early '60s and the family accumulated numerous artifacts as well as memories from those years.

Shut down in 1963, the theatre, owned at that time by the Smalley Theatre chain, had a long and colorful history.

"Dad kept the balcony closed up because of what kids would do when they went up there," McGrade said. "They liked to throw stuff down on the people below. And do other things...."

The "air conditioning" consisted of a huge fan, McGrade said, up in the balcony. "You wouldn't want to be in there when it started up. It would blow you over."

Huge film canisters and a plethora of memorabilia filled spaces in the old building.

"The old type of film in those canisters is actually explosive," McGrade advised. "Some of the workers would have fun setting some of it off. Ernie Bird was one of the projectionists and Evelyn Cantwell was a ticket-seller for many years."

Other well-known names from the local area were remembered, some from more recent events related to the old building.

"Buck Wilson fell through the floor some time after the place was closed up. Elsie (Logwin, the last owner) had shut off the heat after she closed it in '63 and that was it for the old place. The floor rotted. Buck fell through and after that, it was condemned. Before that it had been a roller skating rink and an opera house."

McGrade remembered more of the architecture.
"The floor was rebuilt after it was no longer a skating rink, so that it sloped. That's when it became a theatre. There were diamond-shaped windows that you could only see from the inside since the exterior got covered over and you couldn't tell those windows were there from the outside."

Besides the canisters containing potentially explosive film, old movie posters, costumes, toupees and even sets of false teeth were discovered inside the theatre after it closed.

"You never knew what you would find in there. I wish we had saved more of it...." McGrade shook his head sadly as his wife concurred from her seat in the audience.

He told of celebrities who would arrive at the theatre for the openings of films in which they starred.

Some of those celebrities were other-than-human.

"Tom Mix and his horse came here, and Roy Rogers, too. They built a ramp so Tom's horse could go on in. And yes, they signed autographs like crazy and didn't ask for money first like they do nowadays."

Dressing rooms from the theatre's opera house days still held a costume or two.

"Where did the old seats go?? Many of them had names of servicemen written on the backs. Those would have been precious souvenirs," McGrade lamented.

He remembered hearing from his dad of "a lady during the silent movie era who lived on Meredith Street and she played the organ in the opera house. She'd walk from her home on Meredith and walk back after the show."

McGrade said his entire family helped out at the theatre when his dad managed it. "I remember putting up movie posters on the side of a barn going out on Rte. 28 towards Oneonta. Dad did a lot of 'baby-sitting.' People would drop their kids off while they went shopping. Dad was given a hard time when he wanted to show movies on Sundays. 'To Kill A Mockingbird' was likely the last film shown in '63."

The theatre survived a lot before it was condemned, McGrade said. "I remember when the water elevation was about 8 feet high during the flood of '35. But it came through."

Others shared their remembrances of Smalley's Theatre. Sue Pierson, secretary of the Delhi Historical Society and a 1961 graduate of Delaware Academy recalled seeing "The King And I" and sitting in the balcony.

"Four days after giving birth to my youngest, you couldn't keep me away from going to Smalley's to see 'Goldfinger.' I wasn't going to miss that film!"

Pierson remembered the McGrades fondly. "They were always so friendly when you went there to the movies. Such a nice family."

In its heyday, the Smalley Theatre chain included about 22 theatres throughout New York State. Others existed in Cooperstown, Camden, Fort Plain, Hensonville, Johnstown, Norwich, Oxford, St. Johnsville, Cobleskill, Sharon Springs, Sidney, Stamford and Walton. The string of theatres grew from a dream by William C. Smalley who began as a projectionist at an opera house in Danbury, Connecticut. When Smalley passed away in 1952, 12 theatres were still in operation. Gradually they disappeared or were operated by new owners.

Having stood so long, the theatre naturally found itself in headlines as part of its history, and not always happily so. The 1951 obituary of Albert William Dubben, 78, "a prominent business man for many years until his retirement in 1945, notes that Dubben died in the Delhi hospital hours after being struck by a car in front of Smalley's Theatre. Dubben and his wife had been crossing Kingston Street and he was struck by a car driven by Robrt Salton, 18, "a member of the senior class of Delaware Academy."

The Delhi theatre was originally built in 1882 as the Delhi Opera House and was purchased by Smalley in the 1920's. It suffered a sad end in 1990 after having been closed since 1963. The last owner, Elsie Logwin, lived in a house next door while she operated the theatre. She refused to sell to anyone who wanted to restore the unique local landmark, and in 1990, the village trustees of Delhi voted to purchase it. The board considered the structure to be an eyesore too expensive to restore following an engineer's estimate of over $1.1 million, and so opted to demolish it, in spite of a citizens' group that expressed interest in saving it. Demolition began on the morning of November 5, 1990.

Some in the audience noted sadly that Delh's theatre was lost while happily the Walton theatre was not only saved, but is still undergoing restoration. Sidney's is now a pizza place, and Cooperstown's theatre is now a, what else, baseball shop.

Some relics of the Delhi theatre are now at a theatre in Cooperstown, McGrade said.

Spread out on tables in the library were samples from the theatre's heyday. Copies of old ads showed films starring Ginger Rogers and a phone number for the theatre: simply PH.113.

"It's a big shame that it's gone," McGrade stated, echoing the sentiments of most in the audience.

But he added that the Paint & Paper store on Main Street sells reproductions of postcards that had originally been found in their attic and they donate the proceeds of those postcard sales to the Delhi Historical Society.

"That's real nice of them," said McGrade.

Water Billing Issue


To Village Residents,

The Village of Delhi would like to inform the residents of the village who fall under schedule “A” for water billing that we had an issue which we feel explanation should be made. As you are aware, we have recently changed our water billing software. Transitioning from one computer program to another is never an easy move no matter how much care and effort is taken. We certainly tried to make this change smoothly and of no concern to you, the residents. Unfortunately, we have identified a problem that actually occurred last November, but did not manifest itself until this cycle of billing for those on schedule “A”. In October, instead of the billing drawing in the numbers for the normal three months of water consumption, it only brought in two months. You should have noted that your bill for the last cycle was low. Now, the program has billed for the last four months, making up for the lost previous month. That means that your bill for this cycle is significantly higher. You are not paying for water you did not use, only catching up for the water consumed which failed to be billed last time.

We apologize for any difficulty this may have caused you. We always try to look out for our residents’ interests and provide the best service possible. If you feel that you would like further explanation, the mayor’s door is always open and I am glad to take time and visit. If you would like to see how your water bill was arrived at for this quarter, either Kim or Pam would be happy to show you how the numbers were calculated.

We are hopeful that the “glitches” have been worked through and that all future billings should be error free. Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any problems or concerns.


Mayor Jeff Gearhart and the Village Board

Water Main Leak


The Water and Street Department located and repaired this leak on Woolerton Street yesterday. Nice job, Jay, Daren and the guys!

Village of Delhi Election


Remember to vote in the Village Election March 19, 2024 from 12:00pm to 9:00pm. 

2nd Annual Delhi Kite Flying Day!


When: April 6th, 11am-2pm (Rain Date: April 13)
Where: Delhi American Legion Field

Sponsored by the community, for the community

Stories from the Village Historian: The Mysterious Death of John Hulbert


Local newspapers of the day so often provided intriguing and sometimes shocking accounts of daily life. Following is an edited excerpt from the October 21, 1896 issue of the Delaware Gazette:

Sudden Death In Jail: John Hulbert of Stamford was in jail, indicted on burglary 2nd degree and grand larceny 3rd degree charges. The case was brought to trial last Saturday, adjourned to Monday. Saturday night, he was taken very sick, but in a short time appeared to be better. On Monday morning, he was feeling badly again, and the sheriff thought the cause was worry over his case and that he would soon get better. No further attention was given to the matter. Hulbert soon entered his cell and lay down on his cot, and as other prisoners assumed, went to sleep. A short time later, he was found to be breathing heavily and the sheriff was summoned. Drs. Gates and Reynolds were immediately summoned, but before their arrival, Hulbert died. An exam revealed that his death was caused "by some powerful poison..." Upon investigation it was found that one James Maguire of Walton, who had been imprisoned for violation of the excise law, was "short of a quantity of opium which he usually carried on his person and that he had given Hulbert a small amount." The supposition was that Hulbert had then overdosed on the opium. His remains were taken to Jackson & Mason for a post mortem exam and autopsy, done by  Drs. Reynolds and Goodrich. Coroner Gates summoned the following jury: J.A. Hunt, J. Fairburn, J. Birdsall, S.F. Adee, David Wight, Edwin Bell, M. Mitchell and J. K. Hood. 

The jury met in the evening in the Grand Jury rooms. Witnesses summoned included W. O. Porter, the sheriff and Undersheriff F. Wilbur. Mrs. Hulbert was examined as to the domestic relations with her husband. Upon examination, Jason Maguire testified that he gave Hulbert a small amount of opium, as being an "opium eater", he always carried it with him. On Saturday morning, he found his supply "somewhat smaller than it ought to be", and he believed that Hulbert had taken some on his own.

The verdict was death by overdose of opium administered by his own hand. It was said that Hulbert had told his wife that he would never go to state prison and that she ought to have his grave dug at once, thereby raising the question that he had made the decision to take his own life. Hulbert leaves behind a wife and three children in destitute circumstances. Burial was in Stamford.

Save Money On Your Electric Bill!



A public meeting is scheduled for April 3rd, 6 PM to 7 PM at Bush Hall, SUNY Delhi. This informational session, organized by Transitions Catskill and Meadow Energy, aims to address queries and provide insights on reducing electric bills for residents, akin to the prior agreement the village had with Mega (Constellation). All are invited, as the information shared is expected to be beneficial to everyone attending.

Learn more here:

A Taste of Italy (DCIC Fundraiser)


When: March 2th, 2024, From 3pm to 7pm
Where: Delaware Academy High School, 2 Sheldon Dr, Delhi

DCIC is an organization based out of SUNY Delhi that focuses on serving the community through acts of community service and fundraising to go on a service trip every year. This year we are doing a fundraiser to support our service trip to Florida through Habitat for Humanity to assist the community there doing construction for the week. 

Fluoride Equipment

Flouride Analyzer

The village has implemented state-of-the-art fluoride equipment as a vital component of the Delhi Village water system, in full compliance with New York State regulations.

Pistol Permit Training Class


Check out some recent photos from the Village of Delhi Police Department’s Pistol Permit class held on February 18th-19th at the James H. Small Training Center.

Pistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit Class


Snow & Ice Removal


The Village of Delhi Clerk’s Office wants to remind Village residents of the following about Snow & Ice Removal:

  • Village Code 37-14 states that the owner/occupant jointly whose
    premises adjoins public sidewalks must keep the sidewalk free of
    snow or ice for the full width of such sidewalk. Removal is required
    within 24 hours after a snowfall.
  • Village Code 37-15 states that sidewalks in front of commercial
    establishments and commercial parking lots should be kept free of
    snow and ice at all times between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Maintenance Monday!

flouride analyzer

Introducing our new Fluoride analyzer, designed to facilitate the monitoring and implementation of fluoride usage within our operations.