Check out the new DPDTD website HERE. The Village Office will be closed February 17th for Presidents' Day.


Water Main Leak


The Water and Street Department located and repaired this leak on Woolerton Street yesterday. Nice job, Jay, Daren and the guys!

Village of Delhi Election


Remember to vote in the Village Election March 19, 2024 from 12:00pm to 9:00pm. 

2nd Annual Delhi Kite Flying Day!


When: April 6th, 11am-2pm (Rain Date: April 13)
Where: Delhi American Legion Field

Sponsored by the community, for the community

Stories from the Village Historian: The Mysterious Death of John Hulbert


Local newspapers of the day so often provided intriguing and sometimes shocking accounts of daily life. Following is an edited excerpt from the October 21, 1896 issue of the Delaware Gazette:

Sudden Death In Jail: John Hulbert of Stamford was in jail, indicted on burglary 2nd degree and grand larceny 3rd degree charges. The case was brought to trial last Saturday, adjourned to Monday. Saturday night, he was taken very sick, but in a short time appeared to be better. On Monday morning, he was feeling badly again, and the sheriff thought the cause was worry over his case and that he would soon get better. No further attention was given to the matter. Hulbert soon entered his cell and lay down on his cot, and as other prisoners assumed, went to sleep. A short time later, he was found to be breathing heavily and the sheriff was summoned. Drs. Gates and Reynolds were immediately summoned, but before their arrival, Hulbert died. An exam revealed that his death was caused "by some powerful poison..." Upon investigation it was found that one James Maguire of Walton, who had been imprisoned for violation of the excise law, was "short of a quantity of opium which he usually carried on his person and that he had given Hulbert a small amount." The supposition was that Hulbert had then overdosed on the opium. His remains were taken to Jackson & Mason for a post mortem exam and autopsy, done by  Drs. Reynolds and Goodrich. Coroner Gates summoned the following jury: J.A. Hunt, J. Fairburn, J. Birdsall, S.F. Adee, David Wight, Edwin Bell, M. Mitchell and J. K. Hood. 

The jury met in the evening in the Grand Jury rooms. Witnesses summoned included W. O. Porter, the sheriff and Undersheriff F. Wilbur. Mrs. Hulbert was examined as to the domestic relations with her husband. Upon examination, Jason Maguire testified that he gave Hulbert a small amount of opium, as being an "opium eater", he always carried it with him. On Saturday morning, he found his supply "somewhat smaller than it ought to be", and he believed that Hulbert had taken some on his own.

The verdict was death by overdose of opium administered by his own hand. It was said that Hulbert had told his wife that he would never go to state prison and that she ought to have his grave dug at once, thereby raising the question that he had made the decision to take his own life. Hulbert leaves behind a wife and three children in destitute circumstances. Burial was in Stamford.

Save Money On Your Electric Bill!



A public meeting is scheduled for April 3rd, 6 PM to 7 PM at Bush Hall, SUNY Delhi. This informational session, organized by Transitions Catskill and Meadow Energy, aims to address queries and provide insights on reducing electric bills for residents, akin to the prior agreement the village had with Mega (Constellation). All are invited, as the information shared is expected to be beneficial to everyone attending.

Learn more here:

A Taste of Italy (DCIC Fundraiser)


When: March 2th, 2024, From 3pm to 7pm
Where: Delaware Academy High School, 2 Sheldon Dr, Delhi

DCIC is an organization based out of SUNY Delhi that focuses on serving the community through acts of community service and fundraising to go on a service trip every year. This year we are doing a fundraiser to support our service trip to Florida through Habitat for Humanity to assist the community there doing construction for the week. 

Fluoride Equipment

Flouride Analyzer

The village has implemented state-of-the-art fluoride equipment as a vital component of the Delhi Village water system, in full compliance with New York State regulations.

Pistol Permit Training Class


Check out some recent photos from the Village of Delhi Police Department’s Pistol Permit class held on February 18th-19th at the James H. Small Training Center.

Pistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit ClassPistol Permit Class


Snow & Ice Removal


The Village of Delhi Clerk’s Office wants to remind Village residents of the following about Snow & Ice Removal:

  • Village Code 37-14 states that the owner/occupant jointly whose
    premises adjoins public sidewalks must keep the sidewalk free of
    snow or ice for the full width of such sidewalk. Removal is required
    within 24 hours after a snowfall.
  • Village Code 37-15 states that sidewalks in front of commercial
    establishments and commercial parking lots should be kept free of
    snow and ice at all times between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Maintenance Monday!

flouride analyzer

Introducing our new Fluoride analyzer, designed to facilitate the monitoring and implementation of fluoride usage within our operations.

Water / Sewer Customer B Route Notice


Water / Sewer Customer
B Route
Dear Village Resident,

Village of Delhi has discovered we had a software glitch with our new enhanced water/sewer software with the billing we mailed out last week for B Route.

You will find the corrected postcard billing for your water/sewer account—the previous billing was issued for 1 month instead of the previous 3 months as it should have been.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk’s office, #607-746-2258 option 1 and speak to Kim or Pam for further clarification.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you.


Jeffrey A. Gearhart

Maintenance Monday!


The Village of Delhi has recently acquired a new John Deere X758 Tractor equipped with a sweeper, snowblower, and salt spreader. This valuable addition to our fleet is dedicated to winter street and sidewalk maintenance, focusing on tasks such as snow removal and deicing. The acquisition was made possible through funding from the CHIPS program. The Village of Delhi will receive full reimbursement for the tractor and its accompanying implements.

Snow Removal Reminder


Village of Delhi residents are required to clear their sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall. In the event that sidewalks remain uncleared after the specified time frame, the village reserves the right to hire a professional service to clear the sidewalks. Please be aware that any costs incurred in this process will be the responsibility of the property owner.

Maintenance Monday!


The Village recently had the pumps on Prospect realigned. It will help them to last longer and function better!

Climate Smart Communities Task Force


The Village of Delhi has recently formed a Climate Smart Task Force, as part of New York State’s Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program. The purpose of the task force is to plan and implement actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve community resilience to the worsening impacts of climate change.

The kickoff meeting was held at Delhi Village Hall on Friday, October 20th. In attendance were Kristina Zill (Climate Coordinator) and Sofia Pappas (Southern Tier 8 Regional Board Representative) among other Village elected officials and community members. 

One of the main goals of the task force is to achieve bronze level certification by accumulating points based on the CSC action list. During the meeting the action list was reviewed, and the members identified plans that were already formed in the Village to complete the Climate Adaptation Plan, like the Flood Mitigation Plan, and which plans still needed to be revised or worked on. Kristina Zill addressed items on the action list that were also part of NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Communities (CEC) initiatives that are called crosswalk action items, which the task force will likely focus on. Ideas for future projects were discussed, like brownfield site reclamation for solar arrays, installing electric vehicle charging stations, and solar panels on covered parking lots. The group also discussed community education ideas like an EV showcase and more repair cafes.

The task force is scheduled to meet once a month, with their next meeting on the calendar for Friday, November 17th.